the process
1 contact
We start by meeting up at your home, on the phone or on FaceTime or Zoom, and clarifying what exactly you are looking for. And we find out some background information such as what the occasion is for your portrait, who you want to reach and what you want to accomplish with it. We discuss costs, details, the process, dates… and your „homework“: for instance the photographic or film material that you will need to provide.
2 shooting
Every life writes a story. It’s time to tell yours.
Quite a lot of equipment is needed to ensure a professional look and sound. It takes about 60 minutes to get the technical setup ready for interviews held at your home (lighting, sound, cameras).
INTERVIEWS: And then the adventure begins. We dive into a lively dialogue based on systemic processes and the corresponding tools. Think of it as an excursion into nature, where we stroll along mountain paths together, through narrow lanes, on open fields and meadows, and through broad river valleys. And there is no wrong way; just the journey through your life.
B-ROLL: These are segments that are intercut into the interview. Sometimes, to visually illustrate what is being said (e.g. a childhood home, a company, you doing sports, painting, making music, etc.), and sometimes to create an atmosphere. We generally shoot the B-ROLL outdoors, with a stabilised hand-held camera and/or drone, to inject optical variety into the indoor interview.
3 post-production
After filming is completed, the final film is then created in various further steps. We view, select, edit, and colour grade your film material, prepare the sound and add music and titles, etc.
It is a highly creative process that requires time and thought, and that culminates in your finished portrait.
4 proofs / adjustments
You then receive a copy of the film to consider. Take your time. Watch your portrait at your own pace and leisure, and we can then discuss any changes you might like to have made.
5 delivery
Once you are happy with the result, you are given the finished film on a USB stick. Or if you wish I can also prepare the film and take care of the logistics for a screening in a cinema.